Oh, those vitamins!
I need to get back on those yummy fruits. I used to eat tons of them and juice them every day so my '5 a day' was always spot on. But for the last few weeks I've been slacking and to be honest I can see it on my skin, hair, I'm more tired, etc.
I checked out Gillian McKeith's website and will try and follow it for a week. I'm not sure how I will pull off the "Dance to loud music for 20 minutes before dinner.Go wild!! " instruction but I'm sure the family will be well entertained.
Her recipes are full of things I never heard of (aduki beans, anyone??) so I guess I'll get a few raised eyebrows at my local ASDA and I'm not even mentioning the expression on Jason's face when I'll serve a Cucumber& Mint Raw Soup instead of his fried chicken.
Whenever I watch her TV Show everyone is about to puke when they first taste her meals but then a few weeks later all of them are Shiny Happy People whose biggest sin is eating 5 celery sticks instead of 4.
So here we go, let the challenge begin!
Ps: Just in case, I'm gonna pop down the shop to stock up on some choc chip cookies. Going cold turkey is BAD for you!