And The Worst Packaging Award Goes To...

...The Worst Packaging Award Goes To Weetabix , yayyyyyy!!!

Frankly, I don't understand the concept behind the packaging of Weetabix. The box contains 12 (or 24 or more) 'bricks' wrapped in a plastic foil which stops working as soon as you first open it.
At the starting point it looks pretty in the Biscuit box.

Then you open said box (Step 1) and you already see the problem; the wrapper tore off and the weetabix started losing weight...there's pieces and crumbs everywhere, which mixes extremely well with say, choc chip cookies. If you're lucky, the crumbs get stuck on your usual biscuit, and when sipping your tea (and maybe dipping your biscuit into your tea) you'll find yourself sipping on a weetabix broth instead of a nice refreshment.

Step 2: You attempt to remove 1 or 2 bricks for your child's breakfast. DO NOT attempt to remove 1.5 biscuits because breaking of a weetabix brick is rather tricky and dangerous; you'll end up with 1 whole brick and a whole lotta crumbs.

Step 3: Gently place wrapper back on remaining biscuits (it won't go back!) and without hesitation dump the whole thing back in your Biscuit box avoiding your usual tea-biscuits.
Step 4: Clean up all the mess and convince your child that breakfast is REALLY gonna be ready in a minute.

Do that every morning and then ask yourself: why aren't the biscuits individually (or by 2's) packaged?