The fever monster struck again

Last night was truly horrible. We went to the park and then my friend Melinda and her babyboy Zak came over to play. Oddly by then Nia lost interest in playing and was very whingey and unhappy. I put her down to sleep which I haven't done for ages as she only has one lunchtime nap and that's it.
So I should have known something wasn't right. I woke Nia 2 hours later at 7pm and she was boiling hot! I took her temperature and it was 39.8 Celsius. Now, I know other babies had temperatures like this but Nia's highest so far was about 38.5 so it never even went close to 39 let alone almost 40!
Jason was out at a Charity Party so panic set in immediately. See, when I was 9 months pregnant, Jay's auntie came over to us and said that her kids ALL had fits when they were feverish and their eyes rolled back and they were convulsing, etc. From then on whenever Nia had the slightest temperature I was on full alert and was staring in her face to catch the first sign of her going into a fit. Pathetic, I know but it's just me; I'm petrified of anything remotely dangerous happening to her.
So at 7pm I gave her Calpol and put her in a lukewarm bath which I made colder and colder every minute. That kinda did the trick and I could put her down at 9.
I managed to watch both House and Grey's Anatomy (which I'm very grateful for) and almost on cue at 11:01 I heard Nia cry out. I ran into her room and she was boiling!! Her temperature was 39.9!
If I was panicking 2 hours before this, then by now I was histerical. Not only was I alone, I don't drive and we had no cash in the house, so had I had to take Nia to hospital I couldn't even have called a goddamn taxi. I gave her more Calpol and put her into the cold bath again and by then she was shaking and screaming, God, it was horrible!
Jason got home almost 2 hours later and by then, although still feverish, she was much better and all of us could go to sleep. I slept in Nia's room eyes wide open, totally alert, but she was fine and slept well. I had the most vivid dreams whenever I fell asleep from me being chased by people to having my jeans' pockets full of £20 notes (now THAT was pleasant!).
Today has been great so far . Nia had a liiiiiiittle temp in the morning but by 10 am she was fine and we even managed to go out to the park and she played with her little friends.
Jason says we have to be prepared for days (or nights) like this but I can't help it: I will never get used to it. When I'm sick it's one thing; I know I'll be ok and I can take the pain. When my baby is ill that kills me big time. I just wish I could take her pain away every time she's ill.
Wishful thinking.